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2016年9月20日 星期二

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【考雅思必看】IELTS雅思閱讀考試技巧---如何快速解題 IELTS Reading 閱讀訊息判斷是非題


訊息判斷是非題 TRUE / FALSE / NOT GIVEN 是雅思閱讀必考的題型,很多準備考雅思的同學們,對於是否選擇 FALSE 或 NOT GIVEN,很猶豫,本篇戴爾美語雅思老師示範這類題型的解題觀念。

IELTS 閱讀之訊息判斷題須根據題幹描述參就原文之訊息進行解讀, 以判斷答案為 TRUE / FALSE / NOT GIVEN,然而,若題幹中出現有極端詞 (only / all / never / merely) ,同學則務必審慎判讀訊息之含蓋點為何

The second scenario is based on the diversity of silks.  Many webs include strands made of silks that are much less sticky than the others are.  The non-sticky strands appear in the hub of the web, the radial spokes and the threads by which the web hangs from plants or other supports.  Some researchers have thus posited that the arachnids use only these strands when navigating their webs.  If you watch them in action, however, you will see that although they do seem to prefer the non-sticky strands, the spiders are able to move around freely, toughing many of the strands, including the very sticky ones that spiral out from the hub.

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage?

True  --- if the statement agrees with the views of the writer
False --- if the statement contradicts the views of the writer
Not Given --- if this information is not given in the passage

1. The spider uses only non-sticky strands when moving on the web.


題目: 當蜘蛛在網上移動時, 牠僅使用不具黏著性之絲線(non-sticky strands).
關鍵詞 ---  moving on the web / non-sticky strands.
原文---  The non-sticky strands appear in the hub of the web, the radial spokes and the threads by which the web hangs from plants or other supports.  Some researchers have thus posited that the arachnids use only these strands when navigating their webs.  If you watch them in action, however, you will see that although they do seem to prefer the non-sticky strands, the spiders are able to move around freely, toughing many of the strands, including the very sticky ones that spiral out from the hub.

非黏著性之網絲出現在蜘蛛網之中心處,網子中心如同輻射狀之輪輻(radial spokes),藉由絲線使其蜘蛛網絡得以懸掛於植物或其他支柱上。
因此,有些研究人員假設當arachnids (蜘蛛)在網上移動時,牠僅使用non-sticky strands;然而, 後續提出相反之論述,雖說蜘蛛較喜愛用non-sticky strands ,但是蜘蛛也會利用許多其他由網絡中心所延展之絲線俾使其自由行走於網上, 題目問及”僅利用 non-sticky strands “顯然與原文訊息相異,因此答案為 FALSE


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